Monday, February 28, 2005

I don't believe it ...

It's taken just over two years of on-line publishing to achieve (and several months of private writing before that), but I've done it. I've finished a first draft of Naylor's Canberra.

It's been a long, long trip and I hope if you've been reading and have made it this far, I hope you've enjoyed it. If you have any comments on this first draft of Naylor please do leave a comment or e-mail me at reallyquiteunlikely AT yahoo DOT com DOT au.

In fact, please leave a comment even if you're just one of the silent, regular readers. It would be great to know how many people the Naylor project has reached.

I'm off to cycle through snow and help deal with theatrical crises now.

PS A shout out and special thanks to Marissa (for support, and setting in motion the train of thought that culminated in Naylor's Canberra), Jason (for regular comments, and equally regular badgering every week I missed) and Dan at quantum meruit (for regular comments, and legal advice when I got rusty).

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