Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Honestly, not every day is this indolent

Dateline: Monday.

Wake 6.11 am, involuntarily. Attempt to resume sleep. Admit defeat circa 6.45 and rise to greet the day. When 9 am arrives and all I’ve done is some yoga, shaved and showered, dressed, had breakfast and browsed an article – I suspect my morning routine has become to elaborate.

That or checking my e-mail and on-line papers before breakfast is a bad idea.

Hit the law school shortly before 10 am. Locate the court submissions and transcript for the Lotus case (1927) – realise the whole proceedings were conducted in French. Proceed to read Counsel for France’s submissions – slowly.

Decide to read the (translated) judgement and some contemporary articles. 12.50 and my brain is caving in.

Repair to MCR at College to eat sandwich, assist fellow grads with crossword and realise that as treasurer of a seminar series I owe a someone a cheque for eight pounds that is well overdue.

Return to law school for PhD seminar. Who knew neo-Arisotelean jurisprudence could be so controversial? (No, really?)

4 pm – realise the afternoon is a write off, have coffee with friend. 4.45 pm dash home to change, eat something, collect my ISO standard wine tasting glasses. Text the director I will be up to 30 minutes late for rehearsal.

Cycle to Downing College, attend blind wine tasting (5.30 – 7.15 pm).

Arrive at rehearsals for “Oh What A Lovely War!” 30 minutes late, as scheduled.

Leave rehearsal 9.15, amble up street to the launch party for a literary anthology: the venue is a café in a converted church on Trinity Street.

10.30 pm – cycle home. Chain disengages from bike, despite recent repairs. Curse bike. Arrive at security gates at same time as friends, have them let me in, attend to greasy paws, resist urge to kick bike.

11.27 pm – finish typing blog entry and contemplate bed.

Score at half-time: Lifestyle – 3; PhD – 1.

PS Yes, Tuesday was a guilt fuelled binge of writing, reading and indexing as a result ...

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