Monday, October 25, 2004

“Gah! Why does it hurt?”

Sunday’s sunshine, following a Saturday afternoon and evening of grey drizzle, must have really gone to my head. The vitamin D levels in my blood must’ve just spiked to intoxicating, unaccustomed heights.

Anyway, I was willingly dragged off to my first Ultimate Frisbee game in three years by one of the central-European guys downstairs, a bit of a Cambridge Ultimate legend as it transpires.

We got down to Jesus Green and tossed my disc about for a bit.

“I can see we need you on the College team,” he said – which was unnecessarily good of him. Anyway, Sunday was training for the university team, but it was a very big pool with a lot of beginners, so I wasn’t out of my depth.

But man, two and half hours of running around after a Frisbee will really take it out of you … and every joint and tendon.

So I went home to a hot shower, nap and then off to 75 minutes of yoga before a dress rehearsal for “Calculus”.

To compound my virtue, I had alcohol free, early-night Saturdays and Sundays (as did most people I know really, bad weather coupled with a lot of mid-week socialising does that surprisingly often).

So, this morning it took me about half an hour to get out of bed, and I seem to have a mild sore throat.

Just goes to show I shouldn’t have abandoned a strict regime of physical indolence, drinking and excessive dining.

I’ve spent all day walking around like John Wayne or a Cyberman (don’t move the knees! shuffle forward manfully! slow on the stairs!) and napping. Still, having social engagements six nights running this week should just about cure me.

Well, kill or cure.

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