Tuesday, January 4, 2005

Resolution (a direly belated entry for blogger idol)

Interesting word resolution, suggesting determination - that you've set your mind on something. So, what am I determined to do this year? I'll content myself with the usual self-obsessed shopping list.

(1) I will finish Naylor's Canberra if it kills me and several innocent bystanders. I will finish it by the end of February, honest. I've been good for the last few weeks. I've managed to post here, here and here and again today.

(2) I will start a new novel - but not start posting on-line until I've gotten enough preparation done. I have three ideas, Naylor's Melbourne, Naylor's Cambridge and a piece of weird-ish semi-Victorian science-fantasy (scattered ideas for which can be found over at the notebook, though the name "Trumpington" has left my thnking - thank goodness).

(3) I will maintain the pace on the PhD. I've had a crackingly productive first term, largely aided by my project growing out of my Masters paper and so not needing to spend the time on background reading and formulating a "proper" topic out of a vague proposal. I've been lucky, but if I can keep the pace I'll have a lot more time to polish the finished product in my third year and can avoid the usual panic.

(4) New hobbies: salsa and wine tasting. I'm determined to learn to dance. Better yet, one of the best salsa classes at uni is on Wednesday night straight after grad hall - this will eliminate after-dinner port and the possibility of having my decidedly rubbery arm twisted into heading up to the college bar for a few pints after that.

Thus exercise, a new skill and a decent night's sleep and productive Thursday can replace overindulgence and a somewhat seedy and slothful Thursday. Taking up wine-tasting on Sunday afternoons, of course, could undo that good work, but it's a pleasant way to learn more about something I already find quite pleasant.

(5) I will travel. Especially to see friends from my Masters year in Europe.

(6) I will get down to London more often and keep in touch with London friends, especially the rapidly increasing contingent of ANU lawyers I know who've moved to London in the last year.

(7) I will try not to grow too obsessive about any of my projects. The great benefit of being a student again is the freedom to pace yourself, follow your interests and maintain a work-life balance.

(8) I will work on finding my supervisor a little less intimidating.

(9) I will set up a discussion group/dinner party with some on the new Master's students on legal theory. Intensely geeky, but a nice way to work while socializing - and good preparation for giving supervisions to undergraduates next year.

(10) I will remember that while a student, I am scarcely impoverished: others are worse off and I need to resume charitable giving.

Other eye-catching resolutions (will be added to over the day):

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